What does your retail store, cafe, office or studio really say about your product or service when customers come to visit? If you suspect there’s room for improvement, here are five aesthetic enhancements it could be worth investing in.

1. First impressions count

When people walk into your premises, what’s the vibe they’re getting? It’s a cliche, but first impressions do count. Greeting guests and customers with a warm welcome and your undivided attention is a given of course. But, cleanliness is also crucial, whether you’re preparing rooms for people to sleep in or food for them to eat.

So, make sure your premises are looking spick and span, and are free from any clutter – all day, every day. That means no piles of receipts, scattered stationery and menus, used dishes strewn across benchtops, or cords and cables crawling across carpets.

And while you’re there, make tidiness a priority by investing in a file cabinet, cable baskets and even a couple of lockers for staff to use in a designated break area. We’re not saying you have to Marie Kondo the space, just keep it clean and clutter-free for a sharp, professional look.

2. Dress the part

Staff being a visible part of the brand is important for many customer-facing businesses, and while it is an outlay to get uniforms designed and manufactured it doesn’t need to cost the earth. A simple, logoed shirt will add immediate credibility and professionalism while reinforcing your brand. Failing that, choosing a set colour, such as a white shirt and black pants, for staff to dress in can help create a uniformed look.

3. Plan your space

Speaking of a uniformed look, the same goes for the design of your premises. If you’re in hospitality or retail, you can afford to have a bit more fun with furniture choices and colour palette, just as long as the overall vision remains true to your brand ethos.

While if you’re in professional services, take the time to plan your office layout properly, invest in some basic, matching pedestal chairs and desks, and avoid any garish colours that don’t clearly connect with your company logo.

It might sound simple, but getting this right is crucial, not only because it’s the face of your business, but it’s where you and your team work every day – it’s important to offer them a good space too.

4. A fresh coat of paint

When was the last time the walls you work within had a fresh coat of paint? If your premises are starting to feel a bit bland, why not brighten them up with some colour? This will instantly make the space feel fresh, clean and welcoming.

But choose wisely. The colour entirely depends on your business and industry. For instance, corporate offices usually stick to neutral tones that promote trust and dependability, whereas more creative businesses, such as a fashion retailer, could benefit from brighter, more exciting tones.

A good place to start when it comes to deciding on a colour palette is your brand colours and logo – try to reflect this in your place of business for a truly streamlined, professional look.

5. Don’t forget online

Consider your business’s website a virtual shop front – and in today’s technology-led times it’s just as important as bricks and mortar. As the world has grown increasingly comfortable with the security, flexibility and efficiency of online shopping and digital content consumption, the opportunity to expand your business’s reach via your website is one not to be missed.

If you don’t have a decent website, there are several build-your-own solutions for you to choose from (Squarespace, Wix and WordPress are among the most popular), which all come with easy to use templates and, at times, image libraries.