Security controls to protect you and your small business

Fraud controls

We monitor your transactions to detect fraudulent or suspicious activity to mitigate impact.

Two Factor

We use 2FA to securely identify new payees and when you’re logging into new devices, so you know your account is secure.

Advance data encryptions

We use advanced data encryptions to keep all your personal data and information secure and prevent any unauthorised access.

Card security and controls

Easily freeze or unfreeze your card, report it lost or stolen, turn off contactless payments or change your PIN instantly from the Prospa App or Prospa Online.

Think you might be a victim of fraud?

If you notice any suspicious transactions or suspect behaviour, freeze your card in the Prospa App or Prospa Online immediately and update your account password and login too. Call the Support team on 1300 714 530 (9am to 6pm Mon-Fri AEST) and let us know as soon as possible so we can take the necessary next steps.

Safely manage your cash flow with a Prospa Business Account

Open online in minutes and pay securely with your Prospa Visa Business Debit Card.